Friday 18 February 2011

What happens when you run out of room in the front yard?

This is the view people get when they drive/walk past our house. As you can see, I've even used the edges of the driveway (both sides, the butterfly bush on the left is masking about 25 other plants that you can't see there), but there's only so much space available for growing plants in your front yard.

Just above the garage is a downpipe to goes around the side of the house to the 2 x 5000L water tanks at the side of the house. These tanks are the lifeline of my garden, in times of severe water restrictions, I can still water all my thirsty plants and not feel guilty.

And one day I was staring up at that pipe, and thought I might just be able to utilise some of that space for growing more plants. Have you ever heard of an upside down plant?

If you look really, really closely, you can actually see a small chilli plant hanging upside down on the left hand side of the downpipe. Here's a closer pic anyhoo:

I had originally put a tomato plant in there, but some heavy winds in spring snapped the plant, and it just never recovered. Not to fear, I had plenty of leftover chilli seedlings with no room to plant out, and this thing is doing alright, in fact there's even some pods that have formed.

The upside down grow bag was bought from Woolworths for like $10 or so, and you can use them for Tomatoes, Chillies, Strawberries etc.

So those of you living in apartments or in really small houses with no room to plant anything, just remember where there is a will, there is a way!

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